Tufting a Tapestry | Grondstof


by Take a Detour


Marnix and Nina, the artist duo behind Take a Detour, are creating a tapestry together with participants. They are inspired by how Lombok has developed over time. Their goal is to literally unearth the ground beneath our feet because, after all, the ground is what connects us all. They plan to do this using a ground drill. The layers of peat, sand, plants, Rhine sediments, and the culture of the people of Lombok will serve as inspiration for the large tapestry they aim to create.

The tapestry will become a meeting point between culture and nature, a poetic representation of clay, sand, peat, and the people of Lombok today. The tapestry will be tufted, a technique where many threads of wool come together to form the fabric. All these threads will together form a new piece of "ground": Grondstof. It will become a tapestry for sitting, for gathering, and for activities like eating or picnicking together. The artists hope it will become a tapestry for the neighborhood—a piece that helps us reflect on the culture and history of nature. A tapestry that can literally and figuratively help us slow down at the busy Westplein.

If you’d like to participate, please contact Take a Detour via: 06 194 463 37

Location: Perron West
Time: office hours